Rachel has been working on a research project as part of the gifted and talented program. She chose to learn about Marie Curie. On Wednesday night she had to dress up like Marie Curie and present her project. Unfortunately, because of Sarah's accident (See post titled "Another one Bites the Dust" above), only Erin, Biffy, and Seth could attend, as Dad & Sarah were at the hospital. The pictures below show Rachel's hard work! GOOD JOB RACHEL!

Wow! Rachel looks so grown up. You guys are OLD now! She's practically in junior high, and then I'll really have to make fun of you guys. :) Good job Rachel! It looks like a cool presentation. Did you pick her because your middle name is Marie???
Rachel I am super proud of you. It looks like you did a lot of work on that project!!! It takes a lot of guts to get up in front of people too!! Great job!
Rachel, looks like you did a wonderful job! Your presentation looks fantastic! Wish I could have seen it. Keep up the good work!
thanks for sharing the muppets song!
manĂ¡ manĂ¡ ♫♪♫
(it did call my attention cause here my partner ◄51 y.o► use to be singin it)
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